
About Us

 The Reforesting Zaria Initiative is a project set up to restore the vegetation cover of Zaria by planting 5,000 tree seedlings, which will go a long way in repairing the damaged ecosystems and mitigating climate change.

Green vegetation cover contributes to sustainable, resilient landscapes’ aesthetics, planning, design, and management. Greening cities is key to urban renewal, neighborhood tranquility, and community-based sustainability.  The ongoing urban renewal project has impacted the quality and population of local trees in public spaces, hence the need for their restoration in the shortest possible time due to the significance of these trees to the survival of mankind and mother earth. Trees serve as a source of green cover, prevent flooding, mitigate deforestation, filter the air we breathe, and protect communities against environmental risks and hazards. These, among other benefits, informed our decision at Yusufu Bala Usman Institute, to contribute our quota towards attenuating the global effects of desertification and global warming.

The global concern over climate change is a topical issue, therefore, there is a need for a concerted effort among individuals and corporate organizations to synergize in that regard. In order to achieve this objective the Yusufu Bala Usman Institute extended a hand of partnership to other stakeholders. Some of the pioneer stakeholders in the project are: the Kaduna State Government, represented by the Ministry of Environment, Zazzau Emirate Council, Sabon Gari Local Government Council, and Zaria Local Government Council

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